Become a co-owner of Bus Whisky

  • Become a co-owner of Bus Whisky

Bus Whisky has a mission: to be the most sustainable whisky producer in the world. Our Single Malt, Single Cask AND Single Estate whisky is distilled on our own farm. Very few single estate whisky distilleries can be found in the world. Single estate means that also the malting barley is grown by the whisky distillery itself. At Bus this is done in an energy-neutral and sustainable way, i.e. without artificial fertilizers and pesticides and with great attention to regenerative agriculture, soil and biodiversity.

How do you become a co-owner of Bus Whisky?
As an investor, you become an economic co-owner and help make our company more sustainable. You can become a co-owner from as little as 1,000 euros. Participation is via sharefunding platform Broccolli, which was founded to make it possible for SMEs to trade their own capital (shares) online. There are no costs for the buyer, Bus Whisky pays the transaction costs.

Make sure you don't miss Bus: for more information and/or to reserve shares, click on the link below:

Click here to reserve shares

From grain to drink

Watch our movie trailer

Bus Whisky Distillers is an independent family distillery. The production process at Bus Whisky Distillers is artisanal and relatively small scale which givesthee whiskthede exclusive character of a limited edition.

Grain to glass | Top of its class

Thus, nose, taste and finish are appreciated:

Coach Whisky Wikipedia